Friday, May 3, 2013

replacing the grocery store challenge update

I am taking the replacing the grocery store challenge over at so go check them out, it is a great blog.

So far the only thing I have planted in my garden are potatoes and corn because the weather just hasn't been cooperating. It is either too rainy and muddy or it is too cold. This week looks like all nice temps but we are getting a well put in right above my garden and I am going to find out if there is any reason I should not plant now. I do not know if he will need to run water down the hill or not. I have lots of tomato plants growing on my windowsill waiting to get into the garden when the weather warms up for awhile. I am also planning to plant watermelon, zucchini, cucumbers, and a few different kinds of peppers. I am also wanting to plant some green beans and peas. My uncle tilled up alot more space for me to plant on so I am hoping to get to can lots of produce to get us through the year.

I am also hoping to plant a couple plum, apple and hopefully pear trees this year along with picking blueberries that I have planted and the raspberries and blackberries that grow wild on the property. I cannot wait until my post show the things I have done instead of what I have planned.

Another way I have been staying away from the grocery store is to make my own cleaners. It is so much more cost effective and I also can breathe while I am using them. Whenever I clean with commercial cleaners, especially the bathtub cleaner I cannot breathe. I am gasping for air and feeling light headed, I do not have that with my homemade cleaners.

Hoping everyone is having a blessed day!!


1 comment:

  1. We planted 2 blueberry bushes this year but have already lost one. I have some old apple trees here on our new farm and a couple younger but mature ones and a pear that has seen better days. I'd love to have a plum and I really want peach, apricot and cherry trees. What I've planted is doing well but we really need to get the corn in. Praying the weather cooperates this week! Missy at
    For some reason it won't let me publish under my blog.
