We had a fun time over the weekend visiting pumpkinland. My grandson is 10 months old now and he is really starting to enjoy things. One of his favorite things besides his grandma :) is to be outside. Here is a picture of him sitting on a giant squash, he is looking like he thinks I am crazy for sitting him on it and then trying to get him to smile for a picture.

Here is a picture of my son (left) and his fiancé (right). It was nice having almost all of the family there. My husband stayed home to process chickens that were ready to be done. We also got to go on a hayride to the pumpkin patch and pick out pumpkins, go through a corn maze and there was a place that my niece loved where you could throw straw at people without anyone telling you to stop. It was a wonderful day even though it was a little hot for October.
Here is a recipe from Our Simple Farm that I wanted to share with you. It is a recipe for apple pie filling and a recipe for using the filling. I hope you enjoy. Below is a picture of the apple pie filling that I canned yesterday.
I hope everyone has a wonderful and blessed day!