I had a really nice Christmas this year. I hope all of my readers did also. We went to my Mother in law's for a Christmas lunch on Christmas eve and to open presents from each other. We usually get together in the evening on Christmas Eve, it was nice getting together in the middle of the day this year and not having to rush around and hurry to get things done so that everyone can make it to church. This way we could visit and enjoy each other's company before the evening rush. Of course the animals needed taken care of in the morning and evening but besides that it was a no work day.
Picture of my beautiful sister in laws (right and left) sitting with my husband and I. I love being close with Doug's family. I consider them to be my sisters. |
My son, his fiance' and my 2 grandsons spent the night on Christmas Eve and we had Christmas dinner at our place this year. There is not alot of room in our trailer but we had such a nice time. My sister, brother in law, their 4 kids, my mom, grandma, my 2 kids, 2 grandsons, my husband and I were all here. There was a lot of food and we had a really nice time eating and enjoying each other's company.
I hope everyone took time this year to remember the real reason for Christmas. To celebrate the most amazing gift we have ever received. This gift is free and so simple. It is the gift of salvation that came through the birth of a small baby. The greatest gift of all is the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and all you have to do is accept this gift and allow him into your heart.
Looking forward to an amazing and blessed 2016 and hoping to share the ups, downs, joys and sorrows with you.
Blessings to all!