Here we are again, it is time for another Thankful Thursday! Today I am thankful for this amazing life God has blessed me with. 10 years ago living on a farm was just a dream that I did not think would ever come true but here I am living my dream! I do not live in a big farm house which was one of my dreams but I am thankful for the trailer we do have that puts a roof over our heads. I have learned to be happy with what we do have and not sit and wish for something more. God has met our needs in ways that I never would have imagined and sitting and wishing for something else never makes anyone truly happy. Learning to be content with what you do have and appreciating the gifts that come along in life are ways to truly enjoy life.
About 8 years ago we were given the opportunity to move to where I lived as a child up until I got married at age 20. I do not know if this happens to you but when I go to weddings now I see the bride and groom and think they are way to young to get married! Good heavens, they look like children! Then I realize "Whoa! They are older then I was when I got married!". My mom would tell me that is a sign that I am getting older. I say it is a sign that I am old! One of my Sunday School children informed me that she thought I was 86! She is only off by 45 years. Anyway back on topic and stop rambling April. When we first moved here it was covered with thick brush and briars. I am pretty sure the first animal we started on our farm other then my puppy (who by the way is no longer a puppy now but you probably figured that out) were some banty chickens. As all chicken lovers know you cannot stop with just one! We now have chickens, ducks, goats, and a cow! Goats by the way do an amazing job at clearing land. Easiest work ever, put a few goats in the brush and sit back and relax while they clear the land for you but don't expect any trees to be left. They love bark also. We now are able to grow most of our own vegetables and meat. Our chickens and ducks provide us with tons of eggs, the goats give us milk that I make cheese, yogurt, ice cream and many other treats with and this year we planted a few fruit trees in hopes of having our own fruit. I do not know who dubbed this "The Simple Life" because it is in no way simple but I have learned to enjoy the simple things in life so maybe that is where the name comes from. Some things have changed for me and I have a little more time to get things done now so I am planning to be able to update my blog more often so please tell your friends and share my blog. I also have a Facebook page. You can go to it by clicking on the word facebook in this post. Have a wonderful and blessed day!
Shared at The Homeacre Hop
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