Good morning, afternoon or evening depending on when you are reading this. It has been a little while since I have updated you on what is going on here at Keebs Acres Nubians (that is my herd name, cool isn't it?). Last Friday my husband, daughter and I went to Roger's auction with some really great friends and I am hooked! I cannot wait to go back. My husband purchased a box of bananas for 5 dollars which is a great deal! My only problem was what to do with all of those bananas before they went bad! Well, I finally got them all used. First we made tons of banana chips in my excalibur dehydrator. We dipped them in a mixture of part honey and part water and then dried them for what seemed forever, they are a little chewy but taste great! We also ate some bananas of course but you can only eat so many so yesterday I pureed some and put it in the freezer to be used later for banana cakes, muffins, and bread. I also froze some whole to be used in smoothies and shakes. It will be nice to just pull some out whenever we are in the mood for something banana. I also purchased 6 beautiful ducklings at the auction. They are great! I love having ducks. My husband of course acts like he cannot believe I have added another animal but I know he does not mind and likes them also. If I can put up with his calves he can put up with my ducks, lol.

No matter how many years I raise chickens it is still exciting when a new chicken lays her first egg and yesterday one of my younger hens laid her first egg!! I was excited and of course yelled for my husband to come see. I cannot even imagine how excited I will be when my ducks start laying eggs. I am really hoping they are not all boys, lol. The middle egg in the picture below is the new one. Isn't it pretty?
And last but not least I spent the day canning up some of the produce out of the garden. My canning cabinet is starting to get filled up and I think it looks so pretty. Does anyone else like to just stare at their canned goods because of how pretty they look. Here are some pictures of some of the stuff I canned yesterday.
I picked the peas a little too late and only ended up with a dozen jars but that is better then no jars.
The picture below is of some of the pickles I was able to get canned. We are having an abundance of cucumbers this year and have even been blessed with enough to share with friends and family.
This year I have truly been blessed for the first time with a large garden that is doing amazingly well and I am thankful to God for this abundant blessing!
Have a wonderful and blessed day!!
Shared at Homestead Barn Hop
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