This sure has been the summer of surgeries for me. In April I had to have a hysterectomy and if that wasn't bad enough somehow I tore my bicep and had to get shoulder surgery in June. While they were in there they decided to remove some bursitis and bone spurs. I am finally healing up nicely and I am feeling back to my old self. My sister decided not to let me have all of the attention so she decided to have a couple places in her spine fused and her gall bladder removed. She always did hate when I got all of the attention. *snickers* Just kidding Val I pray that you are feeling lots better and we can attend vendor shows together again.
Speaking of vendor shows. Last weekend I tried to sell some of my crocheted items at a vendor table during the Italian festival in Weirton. Sadly my sister was not able to attend with me and I did not sell anything but the experience was nice. I have thought of a few things I need to do that might help me sell more. I will update you all on them after I see how well they work out.

Zucchini season seems to be about over here on the farm but we did get plenty. We sold some and I made zucchini relish. I love zucchini relish. My husband on the other hand is not to crazy about it but he does love fried zucchini so I have been making that for him. This is the first year that I felt we had the amount of zucchini under control and was not to overrun with it. At least not too bad.
Last for today but definitely not least, our bees did not do as well as we had hoped they would. We lost a hive over the winter and we still have a weak hive but we did catch a swarm this summer so we are back up to three hives. We are praying that the weak hive makes a queen and the hive gets strong enough to make it through the winter. Here is a little bit of the honey we got this year.
Because I was laid up so much from surgeries my husband had to do the beekeeping over this summer. Here is a picture of his awesomeness that I took since I could not be up at the hives. He is a great guy and I feel so blessed that he is mine.
I have plenty more to update you on from my time away but I will save that for another post. Have a blessed day everyone!!
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