Wednesday |
Jane | | |
Wow, we have been busy this past week, first my daughter's goat Babylynn had her baby. She had a little boy. Caitlyn named him Wednesday because he was born on a Wednesday. I love the names that she gives to things. Then 5 days later which was yesterday my boer goat Sweet Pea decided to have her baby and it was a girl. I was having trouble picking out a name for her even though Caitlyn wanted to name her Monday but I finally decided on Jane. She is a doe so it is Jane Doe, lol. We do not have space in the barn right now for the momma's and their babies to be seperate from the other goats, I dont think I thought things through good enough so I am bottle feeding them which I am ending up liking. It will be easier to wean them because they wont be used to eating off their moms (I feed them their mom's milk though) and they are alot more friendly to me. I bring them in the trailer with us for at least 24 hours. Wednesday got to stay in here 4 days because he was quiet and I really enjoyed him but Jane only got to stay 24 hours because she was very noisy and screamed everytime she saw me so she is in the barn with the other babies. Right now we have Bardock 8 weeks (he is my wethered), Wednesday who will stay on as a buck and Jane. I am keeping Jane because she is an all red doe and I think she is really cool. Wednesday weighed a whopping 10.4 pounds at birth and Jane was a little smaller at 9 pounds. They were both singles. My last 3 goats gave birth to only one baby so I am starting to think they were missing some needed nutrients so I am stepping up with the minerals and taking better care of them now to see if I get at least doubles in the future. The health of my animals is very important to me and I am on the ball now. Another thing I am enjoying is all of this fresh milk! I am planning to make some chevre cheese as soon as my supplies I ordered arrive, I am making some more soap after I get to the store to get some shortening and tomorrow I plan to make ice cream. Yum Yum!! Have a blessed day everyone!!
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