Farm life can be alot of work. Tending the livestock and the garden, milking the goats, keeping the bees happy and not swarming, tapping the trees in the winter for healthy great tasting maple syrup, caring for sick animals, keeping pens clean and feeders full can sometimes leave me feeling a little ok alot overwhelmed. That is why it is also important to learn how to rest and how to have fun. Sometimes all I can think about is the work that needs done and I feel guilty if I am not working but the Lord rested on the 7th day of creation and we are also commanded to rest. I have learned through the years that God knows best and wants what is best for me and things always work out when I am following his plans. Things go astray when I fight and try to do things my way.

I would miss out on so much if all I ever did was work. There is not anything in my opinion more precious on our farm then baby goats. They are so sweet and innocent. I only bottle raise them if there is a problem. I have had young does who refuse to take care of their babies and I will bottle raise in that situation but I believe it is healthier for the goats if they are raised by their moms. A goat can do a much better job teaching how to be a goat then I can. The way our pen is set up also makes it impossible to keep the baby goats in if they do not want to stay in and if they are bottle raised they spend too much time away from the herd and spend it with us. I am not saying that my way is the only correct way, I have friends who bottle raise all of their goats and they have healthy wonderful goats, I am just saying this is the best way for us. Back to my point of rest and fun now. After all of the work is finished, I enjoy going out to the barn and just sitting with the babies. They get used to humans and are so much fun to play with.

And the biggest most important reason why farm life should also be fun is these human babies. These 2 awesome boys are my grandbabies. I want them to know that you have to work in life but I also want them to know that it isn't all work. That it is ok to have fun. I also want them to learn that there is more to life then electronics, social media and video games. That life is to be explored and can be fun even while we are working. In the picture to the left we took a break from our morning chores to go for a short walk and they were having a blast with a piece of tree bark they found along the road (I love living on a back road) and a stick. It doesn't get much better then this.
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work.
Have a blessed day!!
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